In the 1980s, there were twice bad water floods in Tsoshar Village in Mustang, which made hundreds of families homeless. Due to that reason, some of these families were moved down to Dorphirdi, Pokhara where they settled of a new camp. These people are not only His Eminence’s disciples but also sponsors for His first Tashi Rabten Ling Monastery built in Lumbini. During one of His Eminence’s visit to Pokhara, the people of this new camp offered a piece of land and requested His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche to build a monastery in this camp as a place of worship for the people there and thereby disseminating the Buddha's teaching in this area.
His Eminence accepted their offering and promised them that he would build a monastery there by the name of Phuntsok Tashi Choeling, but due to his busy schedule, it did not happen during his lifetime. After his Parinirvana, people of this camp repeatedly pestered us by reviving the holy wish and promise of His Eminence. As such, the board members of Jamchen Monastery now resolved to build a monastery in order to accomplish the holy wishes of His Eminence for the benefit of all sentient beings. The estimated cost for this monastery project is US$ 76,923.00.
在1980年代,在慕斯坦王國的察哈〈Tsoshar〉山谷地區先後發生兩次大洪水,造成數以百計的家庭流離失所。因此,其中有些家庭搬遷至波卡拉〈Pokhara〉的多黑帝〈Dorphirdi〉,住在那裡的新營區。這些人,不僅是尊貴 的究給企千仁波切的信眾,也是仁波切第一次在倫比尼建造札西拉登寺的支持者。有一次,當仁波切前往波卡拉〈Pokhara〉拜訪時,他們將當地的一塊土地供養給仁波切,並祈求尊貴的 究給企千仁波切在那裡建立一座寺廟以利益當地之眾生。如此一來,佛陀的教法才不至於在該地區衰微。
尊貴的 究給企千仁波切接受了他們的供養並且允諾他們,會在那裡蓋一座名為噴措札西確林寺〈Phuntsok Tashi Choeling〉,但是,由於仁波切繁忙的行程,因此,在他生前無法完成此一願望。在他涅槃之後,該地區的信眾不斷的向我們表達,仁波切在他生前所曾對他們允諾的聖願。所以,大彌勒寺管理委員會為了圓滿尊貴的 究給企千仁波切之聖願,並利益一切眾生。因此,決定要在波卡拉〈Pokhara〉建立寺院。建寺的成本預估約 5,000,000.00尼泊爾盧比,折合美金約為76,923.00。
※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿