A Huge Holy Relics Memorial Stupa Of
His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche
1. Purpose:
It is said that all the Buddhas of the three times reached enlightenment owing to the blessings of their Gurus. Hence, the fulfilling wish of Guru is of paramount importance to every Buddhist practitioner. In order to honor and fulfill the noble wish of our precious Guru, it is the sincere and heartfelt wish of all the Disciples and students of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche to construct a Holy Memorial Stupa. The stupa, which we are going to build, is also one of the eight Stupas of the Tathagata. When Buddha passed into Nirvana, his disciples built a stupa dedicated especially to fulfill the holy wishes of Buddha. Following this auspicious example, we are erecting a Memorial Stupa to fulfill noble wishes of His Eminence for the sake of all sentient beings.
2. Benefits:
There are incomparable benefits to building any Buddha images, stupas and temples where Sanghas gather. As it is said in Smrtiyupasthanah Sutra,
'Constructing base and basis, Providing place and needs for Sangha, etc… Always-virtuous leading to virtuous, So that virtue does not decline, For a thousand million aeons.'
Furthermore, in the Sutra Describing Law of Cause and Result where immeasurable benefits are stated, it is said,
'Any being who builds a stupa of Tathagata and Sangha gathering place directly or helps these noble acts indirectly will definitely become a king and have power to rule in the future as well as gaining a pleasant voice, etc…'
3. Details:
The Holy Memorial Stupa will be constructed in accordance with the descriptions for such Stupa contained in the Sutra Text. It will be built near his retreat house in Narayanthan, which is located in the north west of Kathmandu and is also the holy place of one of the previous Buddhas, Krakuchand. It will stand more than 100 feet high and 54 feet in diameter. The main body "vase" of the Memorial Stupa will contain the Holy relics and Tsatsas of His Eminence and thousands of holy texts and statues. The ground floor of the Stupa will be a hall which will enshrine images of Buddhas, Dharma Protectors and other deities.

紀念舍利塔之計劃高度約有超過100英尺高,直徑54英尺。紀念舍利塔瓶身部份將安放包含尊貴的 究給企千仁波切之神聖的擦擦,以及數以千計的神聖經文與佛像。紀念舍利塔之基部將設置成為諸佛、護法與其他本尊的大殿。
※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿