From 12th to 16th of every 4th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, the month known as Saga Dhawa, the five-day annual Mahavairochana Drub-Choed is performed.
From 21th to 27th of every 9th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, the month of Buddha’s descent from Heaven, the seven-day annual Vajrayogini Drub-Choed is performed.

From 29th of 11th month to 5th of 12th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, corresponding to the anniversary month of His Eminence’s Maha Parinirvana, the seven-day annual Hevajra Drub-Choed is performed.
From 8th to 15th of every 12th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, the annual Mahakali Drub-Choed is performed in Lumbini.
Hevajra and Vajrayogini Drub-Choeds are mainly for advancing one’s own spiritual practice and to benefit other living beings. Mahavairochana Drub-Choed is mainly for purification of both deceased and living beings. Mahakali Drub-Choed is mainly for clearing obstacle from our daily activities and spirtual path.
在仁波切涅槃之後,為了圓滿仁波切的聖願與利益眾生之故,尊貴的 薩迦法王指示本寺院需修一些重要不同本尊的(Drub-Choed)儀軌法事〈滿願的法會/Propitiatory Puja〉,我們大彌勒寺的僧團尊崇法王的指示,並開始在特別的日子如法進行一些重要本尊如:喜金剛、金剛瑜珈母、大日如來與吉祥天母的法會。其修法的日期如下:
藏曆4月12-16日,被稱為薩嘎達瓦(Saga Dhawa),舉行5天的普明大日如來大法會。
藏曆11月29日至12月5號,隨同尊貴的 仁波切之涅槃紀念日,將舉辦7天的喜金剛大法會 。
喜金剛與金剛瑜珈母法會,主要是為了增益自己的修行與利益所有的眾生,而大日如來修法則是為了清除亡者和生者的業障 而吉祥天母(Mahakali)的修法則是為了淨除我們一般日常及修行道路上的障礙。
Memorial Stupas:
After the cremation, we endeavored with making of the Holy Relics Tsatsas and Holy Memorial Stupas. All the important and necessary rituals regarding making of Holy Tsatsas were performed by H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche along with hundreds of monks. A handsome number of Holy relics Tsatsas were made. Some of them were put into two stupas and some being distributed to the devotees. The remainder Holy Tsatsas were kept aside to install in the Huge Memorial Stupa to be built.

紀 念 舍 利 塔
荼毗大典後,我們隨即開始製作(Relics Tsatsas)舍利子擦擦和建造舍利塔。尊貴的 祿頂堪千仁波切與百位僧眾共同製作神聖的擦擦,他們做出了相當數量的擦擦,部份已供奉於兩座舍利塔內,部份與大眾結緣,其餘的將保留並供奉於即將興建的大舍利塔內。
依照我們的計劃,一座5呎高,由金和銀所鑄造的舍利塔將會放置於仁波切生前的會客室,另外,一座由混泥土所鑄造的22呎高的舍利塔,設立在舉行荼毗大典之處。這二座舍利塔已竣工並已於西元2008年1月12號(藏曆12月4號)由尊貴的 法王子大寶金剛仁波切主持究給企千仁波切首次的七天紀念大法會後,舉行該塔的開光儀式。
根據傳統,每年將以尊貴的 究給企千仁波切的涅槃日而非他的生日為紀念日來舉行慶典。因此,歡迎所有的信眾一同參與我們今年度的紀念活動。一方面是為了尊崇仁波切;另一方面是為了能儘快圓滿仁波切之聖願。
※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿