His Eminence had previously built a monastery in Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha where he conducted the first three-year retreat based on the Hevajra Tantra. However, due to the extreme hot weather, it was not possible to continue in Lumbini. Thus, His Eminence looked for an appropriate place where the retreats could be continued. At the same time, a devout woman named Gomadevi of Boudhanath area offered her house and land for the use of His Holiness Sakya Trizin, who heads the Sakya Line of Tibetan Buddhism. His Holiness then transferred this offering to His Eminence for the construction of a monastery there.
His Eminence was somehow able to conduct the second three-year retreat in the old house standing on the land. Then in 1983, by the spiritual command of His Eminence, construction of the monastic building was officially started and completed in 1985. The main hall of the monastery has been dominated by a gigantic and artistically very beautiful statue of the Maitreya Buddha (Jampa).
His Eminence invited His Holiness Sakya Trizin and his entourage to perform the consecration ceremony of the main statue and the monastery.
In 1987, His Eminence built a retreat center behind the monastery and the third three-year retreat took place in this center. This was possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Singapore.
Due to the increasing number of monks and disciples, in 1996, His Eminence again founded monk's living-quarters, a small guesthouse and a staff cottage just behind the monastery. These were possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.
When the monastery was first opened, there were 20-30 monks, and now 90-100 monks reside in the monastery. Most of the young monks are from the Himalayan regions that are from very poor family background.
His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche has bestowed many high-level teachings in this monastery including the Kalachakra Empowerment along with its teachings, Collection of Tantra and Lam-Dre teachings and empowerment.
尊貴的 究給企千仁波切先前曾在倫比尼,也就是世尊誕生之地,建立了一座寺院。仁波切親自指導了首次為期三年以喜金剛為主的閉關。不過,由於太過炎熱的天氣以致無法繼續在倫比尼閉關。因此,仁波切只好另尋一個適當的地方,以使閉關能繼續進行。在同一時間內,一位住在博大佛塔(Boudhanath)地區的虔誠女子名為古瑪蒂微女士,將她的房子與土地供養給尊貴的 薩迦法王,法王將此一供養轉送給仁波切以讓他能夠在此興建新的寺廟。
因此因緣,仁波切就在(gomadevi)古瑪蒂微女士所供養的房舍中順利進行了第二次的三年喜金剛閉關。在1983年,在仁波切的指導下,建廟之工程正式開始進行,並於1985年竣工。大殿的主尊是一座巨大且造型非常優美的彌勒佛像,(藏人稱為強巴佛)。仁波切邀請了尊貴的 薩迦法王及喇嘛們前來為彌勒佛像與寺廟舉行開光大典。