His Eminence passed from this world into Nirvana, at the age of 87, on 22nd January 2007, corresponding to 4th of the twelfth Tibetan month, at 6.30am at his retreat house, Narayanthan, Kathmandu, Nepal.
For an entire 16 days, he remained in the post-death state of meditative absorption called Thukdam. As a sign of achieving realization of luminosity, devoid of all fabrications and free from the stains of dualistic appearances of subject and object, his Kudung or Holy Body remained radiant without any odor.
On the day His Eminence's Kudung was brought to the Monastery in Boudha, the sky was crystal clear, and the moment the Kudung entered into the circle of Boudhanath stupa, a rainbow parasol appeared in the sky. Witnessing this directly, devotees were moved and shaken by faith, and erupted into joyful comments.

During that period, there occurred a surprising snowfall in Kathmandu, the first in 62 years, in the form of a shower of “flowers”. As such, the after-death events of His Eminence have put the disciples in a state of great joy mixed with sorrow, which has prompted them to eulogize His Eminence.
西元2007年1月22日(藏曆的12月4日)清晨六點三十分,尊貴的 究給企千仁波切於尼泊爾加德滿都納南坦(Narayanthan)他的關房中涅槃,享年87歲。
Cremation Ceremony:
On the auspicious occasion of the cremation of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, the day Buddha displayed miracles, the sacred rites of the cremation began early in the morning. The cremation was held in the garden of Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery, with simultaneous rituals of four deities in the four directions, presided over by His Holiness Sakya Trizin, H. E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche H. E. Luding Khenchen Rinpocheand H. E. Luding Khen Rinpoche along with many high lamas. A crowd of faithful devotees watched with tearful eyes and folded hands as Rinpoche's Kudung was offered to the flames in the elaborate ritual. A stunning array of beautiful flowers decorated the cremation stupa, which was the focus of attention and prayer for the huge assembly gathered to pay their last respects.
During the ritual, many people reported seeing five colored flames, and other auspicious signs. On the auspicious occasion of the cremation of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, the day Buddha displayed miracles, the sacred rites of the cremation began early in the morning. The cremation was held in the garden of Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery, with simultaneous rituals of four deities in the four directions, presided over by His Holiness Sakya Trizin, H. E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche H. E. Luding Khenchen Rinpocheand H. E. Luding Khen Rinpoche along with many high lamas. A crowd of faithful devotees watched with tearful eyes and folded hands as Rinpoche's Kudung was offered to the flames in the elaborate ritual. A stunning array of beautiful flowers decorated the cremation stupa, which was the focus of attention and prayer for the huge assembly gathered to pay their last respects.
This auspicious day was the clearest of blue sunny days. It is rare in Kathmandu Valley to see such a clear day – without even the faintest wisp of cloud or dust, it has been said that this is a sign of the clarity of His Eminence's realization.Thisunusual sky remained until the completion of the rituals and the sealing of the cremation stupa. During the following week, many interesting cloud patterns formed above the stupa and rainbows were visible around the sun and in the clouds on several occasions.
After ten days, the cremation stupa was opened by H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche. Holy relics, bones and ashes were collected carefully, and placed into containers for the necessary rituals. Again on that day, a rainbow appeared encircling the sun.
On the fiftieth day after His Eminence's passing into Nirvana, a large assembly of monks from all Traditions gathered at the Boudhanath stupa to make aspiration to benefit all sentient beings. A downpour of blessings fell from the sky at the conclusion of the prayer – a sign of the great blessings of our guru and rainbows appeared again as the shower passed.

在此殊勝的日子,加德滿都山谷出現了少見的晴朗藍天,天空潔淨地看不到一絲雲彩或塵埃。有一種說法,這如同是尊貴的 仁波切所證悟的覺受一般清澈的示現。清澈的藍天一直維持到荼毗大典圓滿結束並封閉了荼毗塔之後,在接下來的一週,荼毗塔的上方聚集了許多形狀奇特的雲彩,而數次肉眼可見到彩虹圍繞在太陽周圍或顯現在雲中。
十天之後,由尊貴的祿頂堪千仁波切將荼毗塔打開,並將殊勝的舍利子、骨片和骨灰等等小心收集 起來置入容器中,以備日後重要的 修法時使用,當天亦出現了一道彩虹環繞著太陽。
※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿