2009年10月22日 星期四

Biography of Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche 霞純拿旺仁千巴究仁波切簡傳

H.E. Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche

H.E. Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche of Jamchen Lhakhang monastery was born in 1971 in Lo-Tsarang, Mustang, west of Nepal, into the royal family of Mustang. Shabdrung Rinpoche's mother is the youngest daughter of the late 24th King Jampal Tenzing Dandul and late queen Kelsang Choeden, who was the elder sister of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche.

During a visit by His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche to Mustang, the middle son of Shabdrung Rinpoche's family was offered to take his monk hood in accordance with Tibetan tradition. However, His Eminence said Shabdrung Rinpoche, the youngest son, would be a great monk and should be ordained as a monk instead. At the age of six, Shabdrung Rinpoche was blessed by the hair cutting ceremony and was given the name Rinchen Paljor.

At the age of eight, Shabdrung Rinpoche took his novice vow with His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche in the Lumbini Monastery and was named Ngawang Rinchen Paljor. Ngawang is the first name of His Eminence. From then Shabdrung Rinpoche mastered the monastic scriptural rituals and musical accompaniment of the rituals.

In 1992, as His Eminece Chogye Trichen Rinpoche's previous Shabdrung Tenzing Thinley Rinpoche gave up his monk hood, His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche had envisioned Shabdrung Rinpoche to be his next Shabdrung. Hence Shabdrung Rinpoche was enthroned as Shabdrung Ngawang Richen Paljor. Shabdrung Rinpoche then studied under His Eminence's guidance.

In 1996, together with Gyana Vajra Rinpoche, Tulku Dorjee Denpa and Ngaglo Tulku Rinpoche, Shabdrung Rinpoche received the full bikshu ordination from His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche and His Eminence Ludhing Khenchen Rinpoche who were accompanied by some other senior bikshus.

Shabdrung Rinpoche was educated in Sakya Institute and Sakya College on major Buddhist texts and graduated from Sakya College obtaining the degree of Ka Chu Pa (Bachelor of Arts) by accomplishing the ten spiritual texts, which include the major divisions of Buddhist Philosophy.

Shabdrung Rinpoche has received major teachings and transmissions from His Holiness Sakya Trizin, His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche and His Eminence Ludhing Khenchen Rinpoche such as Lamdre empowerments, collection of tantra and sadhana. He has also conducted several meditation retreats at Lumbini Monastery, Mustang and Jamchen Lhakhang monastery under the direct guidance of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche.

H.E. Shabdrung Rinpoche now resides in the Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery in Kathmandu.

※ Provided by Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche.

          霞純拿旺仁千巴究仁波切於1971年出生於慕斯唐(位於尼泊爾以西)的洛-茶壤,為慕斯唐王室家族的成員之一。霞純仁波切的母親乃已故第24世國王蔣巴天津丹杜及已故皇后珂桑楚天的幼女,而珂桑楚天皇后正是尊貴的 茶巴法王-究給企千仁波切之姐。

         有一次,當尊貴的 法王究給企千仁波切造訪慕斯唐時,霞純仁波切的家族原本欲依照藏族傳統,讓其次子隨仁波切出家修行。然而,尊貴的 究給企千仁波切卻預見該家族的幼子—霞純仁波切將來會成為一名偉大的僧人,認為他應當出家為僧。依此因緣,霞純仁波切六歲時便接受落髮儀式,並獲賜法號「仁千巴究」。

         八歲那年,霞純仁波切在倫比尼寺從尊貴的 究給企千仁波切處領受沙彌戒,並獲賜法號「拿旺仁千巴究」(拿旺是究給企千仁波切的姓氏)。自此以後,霞純仁波切便開始接受僧伽教育,學習經典、儀軌及各種相關的法樂。

         1992年,前霞純天津頂勒仁波切還俗。尊貴的 究給企千仁波切預見霞純仁波切將成為下一任的霞純,於是為他主持昇座大典,並賜法號「霞純拿旺仁千巴究」。此後,霞純仁波切便在尊貴的 究給企千仁波切的指導下學習。

        1996年,於尊者 薩迦班智達祖師的周年紀念日當日,霞純仁波切與薩迦智慧金剛仁波切、祖古多傑登巴仁波切及拿洛祖古仁波切在聖地倫比尼,從尊貴的 究給企千仁波切及尊貴的 祿頂堪千仁波切處領受比丘戒。


         霞純仁波切從尊貴的 薩迦法王、尊貴的 究給企千仁波切及尊貴的 祿頂堪千仁波切處領受了許多重要的教法與灌頂。包括了道果灌頂及各系列的密法與儀軌。霞純仁波切曾在究給企千仁波切的親自指導下,於倫比尼寺、慕斯唐及大彌勒寺(大慈寺)進行閉關禪修。

         霞純仁波切現居於加德滿都的大彌勒寺 (大慈寺/究給寺)。


