2009年10月22日 星期四

Request / 祈 請

“……I pray that through the power and blessings of these noble acts, may all upholders of the teachings live long and expand their activities. In particular, may all the benefactors increase their lifespan, merit, power and prosperity, and may their wishes be fulfilled in accord with Dharma.”


His Eminence's incomparable enlightened activities and blessings made us overburdened with enormous and extremely heavy responsibilities in relation to fulfilling his holy wishes, and continuing his legacy that was laid down by him during His Eminence's blessed presence.

In spite of the prevalence of His Eminence's blessings with us, the absence of his physical appearance in our view proved to be instrumental in presenting us the incumbent status more challenging to cope with.

Therefore, we humbly request all the generous sponsors, disciples and students of His Eminence to render your continuous support to us in every field that we would require in the coming days, in the manner we had acquired from you during His Eminence's blessed physical presence.

祈 請
         尊貴的 仁波切其無與倫比的證悟和加持讓我們可以承擔極為艱巨的責任,以達成他的聖願,並且使他曾經加持過的遺產能夠繼續發揚光大。


         因此,我們在此謙卑的懇請尊貴的 究給企千仁波切的所有慷慨的贊助者、信眾和學生們,請您繼續在各方面支持我們,並由於仁波切之加持,在未來亦能獲得您的協助。

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

