2009年10月28日 星期三

Contact Us 聯繫我們

Contact Us 聯繫我們

Trikal Maitreya Buddha Vihara
Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery
The central Manastery of the Tsarpa
Sub-sect of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
Add : G.P.O. Box No: 4518
Boudhanath, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel : +977-1-4470992, Fax: +977-1-4483118

Tashi Rabten Ling Monastery
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Add: P.O. Lumbini 4505 Distt. Rupandehi
Zone Lumbini, Nepal
Tel: +997-71-80132, Fax: +997-71-80132

Green Tara Dharmachakra Centre Ltd.
Add: Flat. J 11th Floor
Phoenix Apartment 70-Lee Garden Road
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel / Fax: +852-2881-7330

連絡人:陳永權 會長
電話:02-2701-0212 傳真:02-2709-3815
手機: 0911-396-047

Phuntsok Dekyi Rabten Ling
Sakya Tsarpa Centre
Add: 1F, No.4 Lane 24 Toong Hua St,
Da-an District, Taipei 106
Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel:+886-2-2701-0212, Fax:+886-2-2709-3815,
Mobile: +886-911-396-047

連絡人:邱奕春 會長
電話:03-358-1605 傳真:03-356-1746

Chogye Lekshed Choeling
Sakya Tsarpa Centre
Add: 5F-2, No.618 Jing-Guo Rd,
Taoyuan, Taiwan R.O.C.
Tel: +886-3-358-1605, Fax: +886-3-3561746,
Mobile: +886-932-919-909

2009年10月22日 星期四

Biography of Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche 霞純拿旺仁千巴究仁波切簡傳

H.E. Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche

H.E. Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche of Jamchen Lhakhang monastery was born in 1971 in Lo-Tsarang, Mustang, west of Nepal, into the royal family of Mustang. Shabdrung Rinpoche's mother is the youngest daughter of the late 24th King Jampal Tenzing Dandul and late queen Kelsang Choeden, who was the elder sister of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche.

During a visit by His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche to Mustang, the middle son of Shabdrung Rinpoche's family was offered to take his monk hood in accordance with Tibetan tradition. However, His Eminence said Shabdrung Rinpoche, the youngest son, would be a great monk and should be ordained as a monk instead. At the age of six, Shabdrung Rinpoche was blessed by the hair cutting ceremony and was given the name Rinchen Paljor.

At the age of eight, Shabdrung Rinpoche took his novice vow with His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche in the Lumbini Monastery and was named Ngawang Rinchen Paljor. Ngawang is the first name of His Eminence. From then Shabdrung Rinpoche mastered the monastic scriptural rituals and musical accompaniment of the rituals.

In 1992, as His Eminece Chogye Trichen Rinpoche's previous Shabdrung Tenzing Thinley Rinpoche gave up his monk hood, His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche had envisioned Shabdrung Rinpoche to be his next Shabdrung. Hence Shabdrung Rinpoche was enthroned as Shabdrung Ngawang Richen Paljor. Shabdrung Rinpoche then studied under His Eminence's guidance.

In 1996, together with Gyana Vajra Rinpoche, Tulku Dorjee Denpa and Ngaglo Tulku Rinpoche, Shabdrung Rinpoche received the full bikshu ordination from His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche and His Eminence Ludhing Khenchen Rinpoche who were accompanied by some other senior bikshus.

Shabdrung Rinpoche was educated in Sakya Institute and Sakya College on major Buddhist texts and graduated from Sakya College obtaining the degree of Ka Chu Pa (Bachelor of Arts) by accomplishing the ten spiritual texts, which include the major divisions of Buddhist Philosophy.

Shabdrung Rinpoche has received major teachings and transmissions from His Holiness Sakya Trizin, His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche and His Eminence Ludhing Khenchen Rinpoche such as Lamdre empowerments, collection of tantra and sadhana. He has also conducted several meditation retreats at Lumbini Monastery, Mustang and Jamchen Lhakhang monastery under the direct guidance of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche.

H.E. Shabdrung Rinpoche now resides in the Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery in Kathmandu.

※ Provided by Shabdrung Ngawang Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche.

          霞純拿旺仁千巴究仁波切於1971年出生於慕斯唐(位於尼泊爾以西)的洛-茶壤,為慕斯唐王室家族的成員之一。霞純仁波切的母親乃已故第24世國王蔣巴天津丹杜及已故皇后珂桑楚天的幼女,而珂桑楚天皇后正是尊貴的 茶巴法王-究給企千仁波切之姐。

         有一次,當尊貴的 法王究給企千仁波切造訪慕斯唐時,霞純仁波切的家族原本欲依照藏族傳統,讓其次子隨仁波切出家修行。然而,尊貴的 究給企千仁波切卻預見該家族的幼子—霞純仁波切將來會成為一名偉大的僧人,認為他應當出家為僧。依此因緣,霞純仁波切六歲時便接受落髮儀式,並獲賜法號「仁千巴究」。

         八歲那年,霞純仁波切在倫比尼寺從尊貴的 究給企千仁波切處領受沙彌戒,並獲賜法號「拿旺仁千巴究」(拿旺是究給企千仁波切的姓氏)。自此以後,霞純仁波切便開始接受僧伽教育,學習經典、儀軌及各種相關的法樂。

         1992年,前霞純天津頂勒仁波切還俗。尊貴的 究給企千仁波切預見霞純仁波切將成為下一任的霞純,於是為他主持昇座大典,並賜法號「霞純拿旺仁千巴究」。此後,霞純仁波切便在尊貴的 究給企千仁波切的指導下學習。

        1996年,於尊者 薩迦班智達祖師的周年紀念日當日,霞純仁波切與薩迦智慧金剛仁波切、祖古多傑登巴仁波切及拿洛祖古仁波切在聖地倫比尼,從尊貴的 究給企千仁波切及尊貴的 祿頂堪千仁波切處領受比丘戒。


         霞純仁波切從尊貴的 薩迦法王、尊貴的 究給企千仁波切及尊貴的 祿頂堪千仁波切處領受了許多重要的教法與灌頂。包括了道果灌頂及各系列的密法與儀軌。霞純仁波切曾在究給企千仁波切的親自指導下,於倫比尼寺、慕斯唐及大彌勒寺(大慈寺)進行閉關禪修。

         霞純仁波切現居於加德滿都的大彌勒寺 (大慈寺/究給寺)。


Request / 祈 請

“……I pray that through the power and blessings of these noble acts, may all upholders of the teachings live long and expand their activities. In particular, may all the benefactors increase their lifespan, merit, power and prosperity, and may their wishes be fulfilled in accord with Dharma.”


His Eminence's incomparable enlightened activities and blessings made us overburdened with enormous and extremely heavy responsibilities in relation to fulfilling his holy wishes, and continuing his legacy that was laid down by him during His Eminence's blessed presence.

In spite of the prevalence of His Eminence's blessings with us, the absence of his physical appearance in our view proved to be instrumental in presenting us the incumbent status more challenging to cope with.

Therefore, we humbly request all the generous sponsors, disciples and students of His Eminence to render your continuous support to us in every field that we would require in the coming days, in the manner we had acquired from you during His Eminence's blessed physical presence.

祈 請
         尊貴的 仁波切其無與倫比的證悟和加持讓我們可以承擔極為艱巨的責任,以達成他的聖願,並且使他曾經加持過的遺產能夠繼續發揚光大。


         因此,我們在此謙卑的懇請尊貴的 究給企千仁波切的所有慷慨的贊助者、信眾和學生們,請您繼續在各方面支持我們,並由於仁波切之加持,在未來亦能獲得您的協助。

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

Appeal & How you can help! / 懇請支持及如何襄贊!

We humbly request your kind support and assistance in accomplishing this meritorious Dharma activity. Any donation or contribution, regardless of its volume will be greatly appreciated.

How you can help!

If you wish to support any of these Projects, please contact the address below for the details how to send your kind contribution to us or use the bank swift code details as shown below:

(a) American Express Bank Ltd. New York, USA Swift Code: AEIBUS33 or,
(b) Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. New York, USA Swift Code: SCBLUS33

Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. Kathmandu, Nepal.
Swift Code: NBOCNPKA

Account Number: 075851S
Name: Trikal Maitreya Buddha Vihara
Address: Boudhanath-6, G.P.O. Box No. 4518 Kathmandu, Nepal.


(a) American Express Bank Ltd. New York, USA Swift Code: AEIBUS33 or,
(b) Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. New York, USA Swift Code: SCBLUS33

Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. Kathmandu, Nepal. Swift Code: NBOCNPKA

Account Number: 075851S
Name: Trikal Maitreya Buddha Vihara
Address: Boudhanath-6, G.P.O. Box No. 4518 Kathmandu, Nepal.

Jamchen Lhakhang
G.P.O. Box No. 4518, Boudhanath
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 4470992, Fax: 4483118,

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿


In the 1980s, there were twice bad water floods in Tsoshar Village in Mustang, which made hundreds of families homeless. Due to that reason, some of these families were moved down to Dorphirdi, Pokhara where they settled of a new camp. These people are not only His Eminence’s disciples but also sponsors for His first Tashi Rabten Ling Monastery built in Lumbini. During one of His Eminence’s visit to Pokhara, the people of this new camp offered a piece of land and requested His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche to build a monastery in this camp as a place of worship for the people there and thereby disseminating the Buddha's teaching in this area.

His Eminence accepted their offering and promised them that he would build a monastery there by the name of Phuntsok Tashi Choeling, but due to his busy schedule, it did not happen during his lifetime. After his Parinirvana, people of this camp repeatedly pestered us by reviving the holy wish and promise of His Eminence. As such, the board members of Jamchen Monastery now resolved to build a monastery in order to accomplish the holy wishes of His Eminence for the benefit of all sentient beings. The estimated cost for this monastery project is US$ 76,923.00.

        在1980年代,在慕斯坦王國的察哈〈Tsoshar〉山谷地區先後發生兩次大洪水,造成數以百計的家庭流離失所。因此,其中有些家庭搬遷至波卡拉〈Pokhara〉的多黑帝〈Dorphirdi〉,住在那裡的新營區。這些人,不僅是尊貴 的究給企千仁波切的信眾,也是仁波切第一次在倫比尼建造札西拉登寺的支持者。有一次,當仁波切前往波卡拉〈Pokhara〉拜訪時,他們將當地的一塊土地供養給仁波切,並祈求尊貴的 究給企千仁波切在那裡建立一座寺廟以利益當地之眾生。如此一來,佛陀的教法才不至於在該地區衰微。

         尊貴的 究給企千仁波切接受了他們的供養並且允諾他們,會在那裡蓋一座名為噴措札西確林寺〈Phuntsok Tashi Choeling〉,但是,由於仁波切繁忙的行程,因此,在他生前無法完成此一願望。在他涅槃之後,該地區的信眾不斷的向我們表達,仁波切在他生前所曾對他們允諾的聖願。所以,大彌勒寺管理委員會為了圓滿尊貴的 究給企千仁波切之聖願,並利益一切眾生。因此,決定要在波卡拉〈Pokhara〉建立寺院。建寺的成本預估約 5,000,000.00尼泊爾盧比,折合美金約為76,923.00。

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

Tsarpa Retreat Center “Nyen-gyud Sam-ten Choe-ling”/ 詫巴閉關中心"Nyen-gyud Sam-ten Choe-ling"

Tsarpa Retreat Center “Nyen-gyud Sam-ten Choe-ling”
1. Purpose:
In order to preserve and continue this tradition of retreat practice as well as to offer the possibility of doing retreat under the guidance of qualified masters to the next generation of monks and nuns as well as lay disciples, more comprehensive retreat facilities are required. The current retreat facilities at his monastery are no longer suitable for conducting such retreats, as Boudhanath has now become a busy and noisy suburb of Kathmandu. Due to these present conditions, His Eminence planned to set up a retreat center near his retreat house. It is a quiet and peaceful location, perfect for performing retreat.

2. Background:
Tsarpa is one of the sub-sects of Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. This sub-sect is a practice lineage, which mainly focuses on retreat. His Eminence himself had spent most of his life in retreat, earlier in Tibet and for many years in Nepal. To date, he had upheld the practice of four sessions a day in order to maintain the holy teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni. In order to continue this tradition of retreat practice, His Eminence had trained three groups of monks in the three-year meditation retreat practice of the tantric deity Hevajra. The first of these took place in Lumbini, Nepal and whilst the second and third took place at Boudhanath in Kathmandu, Nepal. Throughout these retreats, His Eminence trained many qualified retreat masters from all branches of the Sakya tradition so they can supervise others in the practice of retreat.

3. Benefits:
According to Vasubandhu in the Abhidharmakosha, "Having firmly established the base of morality, contemplation and concentration, then one must apply meditation". It is important that these three aspects are practised step by step to prepare for meditation, the supreme practice from which signs of success on the path are gained.

4. Fund Raising:
At present, we have received some donations for the Project. However, the available funds are insufficient to cover the cost for the entire Project. Hence we are appealing for additional donations to complete the Project. The total area of 15 ropani (one ropani is equivalent to 74 feet by 74 feet) land had been purchased. The estimated cost for the construction and the furnishing of the Holy Relics Memorial Stupa and retreat center will be Nepalese Rupees 75,000,000 which is equivalent to U.S.$1,000,000 only.

詫巴閉關中心"Nyen-gyud Sam-ten Choe-ling"





         目前,我們雖已收到部份之捐款,但仍不足以完成全部計劃。因此,我們需要募集更多的經費。本計劃之關房面積大小約有15 Ropani (one ropani is equivalent to 74 feet by 74 feet),土地已購買,預估紀念舍利塔之建造及裝修費用與閉關中心約需美金約為一百萬元。

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

A Huge Holy Relics Memorial Stupa Of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche/ 興建一座巨大的究給企千仁波切紀念舍利塔

Upcoming Projects:
A Huge Holy Relics Memorial Stupa Of

His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche

1. Purpose:
It is said that all the Buddhas of the three times reached enlightenment owing to the blessings of their Gurus. Hence, the fulfilling wish of Guru is of paramount importance to every Buddhist practitioner. In order to honor and fulfill the noble wish of our precious Guru, it is the sincere and heartfelt wish of all the Disciples and students of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche to construct a Holy Memorial Stupa. The stupa, which we are going to build, is also one of the eight Stupas of the Tathagata. When Buddha passed into Nirvana, his disciples built a stupa dedicated especially to fulfill the holy wishes of Buddha. Following this auspicious example, we are erecting a Memorial Stupa to fulfill noble wishes of His Eminence for the sake of all sentient beings.

2. Benefits:
There are incomparable benefits to building any Buddha images, stupas and temples where Sanghas gather. As it is said in Smrtiyupasthanah Sutra,

'Constructing base and basis, Providing place and needs for Sangha, etc… Always-virtuous leading to virtuous, So that virtue does not decline, For a thousand million aeons.'

Furthermore, in the Sutra Describing Law of Cause and Result where immeasurable benefits are stated, it is said,

'Any being who builds a stupa of Tathagata and Sangha gathering place directly or helps these noble acts indirectly will definitely become a king and have power to rule in the future as well as gaining a pleasant voice, etc…'

3. Details:
The Holy Memorial Stupa will be constructed in accordance with the descriptions for such Stupa contained in the Sutra Text. It will be built near his retreat house in Narayanthan, which is located in the north west of Kathmandu and is also the holy place of one of the previous Buddhas, Krakuchand. It will stand more than 100 feet high and 54 feet in diameter. The main body "vase" of the Memorial Stupa will contain the Holy relics and Tsatsas of His Eminence and thousands of holy texts and statues. The ground floor of the Stupa will be a hall which will enshrine images of Buddhas, Dharma Protectors and other deities.



         建造任何佛像、佛塔與僧寮等有 無比利益。在《Smrtiyupasthanah Sutra》 經中說到:「提供僧伽之住所,提供其所需,諸善常引他善故,此善千百劫不衰。」再者,經中所提及不可思議 的因果利益如下:「凡直皆參與或間 接協助建造佛塔與僧舍等之聖行者,未來必將成轉輪聖王,獲令人愉悅之聲等。」


        紀念舍利塔之計劃高度約有超過100英尺高,直徑54英尺。紀念舍利塔瓶身部份將安放包含尊貴的 究給企千仁波切之神聖的擦擦,以及數以千計的神聖經文與佛像。紀念舍利塔之基部將設置成為諸佛、護法與其他本尊的大殿。

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

Drub-Choeds & Memorial Stupas / 滿願的法會& 紀 念 舍 利 塔


After His Eminence's Parinirvana, His Holiness Sakya Trizin advised our monastery to perform some important Drub-Choed (Propitiatory Pujas) of different deities to accomplish the holy wishes of His Eminence as well as to benefit sentient beings. With respect, we, the Jamchen Sangha members responded to the blessed advice by making unwavering decision to perform some annual Drub-Choeds of different deities like Hevajra, Vajrayogini and Mahavairochana and Mahakali on the specific dates as shown below:

From 12th to 16th of every 4th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, the month known as Saga Dhawa, the five-day annual Mahavairochana Drub-Choed is performed.

From 21th to 27th of every 9th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, the month of Buddha’s descent from Heaven, the seven-day annual Vajrayogini Drub-Choed is performed.
From 29th of 11th month to 5th of 12th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, corresponding to the anniversary month of His Eminence’s Maha Parinirvana, the seven-day annual Hevajra Drub-Choed is performed.

From 8th to 15th of every 12th month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, the annual Mahakali Drub-Choed is performed in Lumbini.

Hevajra and Vajrayogini Drub-Choeds are mainly for advancing one’s own spiritual practice and to benefit other living beings. Mahavairochana Drub-Choed is mainly for purification of both deceased and living beings. Mahakali Drub-Choed is mainly for clearing obstacle from our daily activities and spirtual path.

        在仁波切涅槃之後,為了圓滿仁波切的聖願與利益眾生之故,尊貴的 薩迦法王指示本寺院需修一些重要不同本尊的(Drub-Choed)儀軌法事〈滿願的法會/Propitiatory Puja〉,我們大彌勒寺的僧團尊崇法王的指示,並開始在特別的日子如法進行一些重要本尊如:喜金剛、金剛瑜珈母、大日如來與吉祥天母的法會。其修法的日期如下:

藏曆4月12-16日,被稱為薩嘎達瓦(Saga Dhawa),舉行5天的普明大日如來大法會。


藏曆11月29日至12月5號,隨同尊貴的 仁波切之涅槃紀念日,將舉辦7天的喜金剛大法會 。


        喜金剛與金剛瑜珈母法會,主要是為了增益自己的修行與利益所有的眾生,而大日如來修法則是為了清除亡者和生者的業障 而吉祥天母(Mahakali)的修法則是為了淨除我們一般日常及修行道路上的障礙。

Memorial Stupas:
After the cremation, we endeavored with making of the Holy Relics Tsatsas and Holy Memorial Stupas. All the important and necessary rituals regarding making of Holy Tsatsas were performed by H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche along with hundreds of monks. A handsome number of Holy relics Tsatsas were made. Some of them were put into two stupas and some being distributed to the devotees. The remainder Holy Tsatsas were kept aside to install in the Huge Memorial Stupa to be built.

As per our plan, a five foot high stupa made out of silver & gold, which is installed in His Eminence's audience room and a 22 foot high stupa made out of concrete, which stand on the ground where the cremation took place. These two stupas already built and the consecration ceremony of these two stupas followed by the seven days Drub-Choed were presided over by His Eminence Ratna Vajra Rinpoche on the auspicious occasion of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche’s first Anniversary day on 12 January 2008 corresponding to the Tibetan Lunar Calendar's 4th of 12th Month.

To follow up the tradition, the anniversary day of His Eminence will be celebrated every year instead of His Birthday Celebration. As such, all the devout disciples are requested to support us by joining continually the Anniversary day to honor the master and fulfill his noble wishes.

紀 念 舍 利 塔
       荼毗大典後,我們隨即開始製作(Relics Tsatsas)舍利子擦擦和建造舍利塔。尊貴的 祿頂堪千仁波切與百位僧眾共同製作神聖的擦擦,他們做出了相當數量的擦擦,部份已供奉於兩座舍利塔內,部份與大眾結緣,其餘的將保留並供奉於即將興建的大舍利塔內。

依照我們的計劃,一座5呎高,由金和銀所鑄造的舍利塔將會放置於仁波切生前的會客室,另外,一座由混泥土所鑄造的22呎高的舍利塔,設立在舉行荼毗大典之處。這二座舍利塔已竣工並已於西元2008年1月12號(藏曆12月4號)由尊貴的 法王子大寶金剛仁波切主持究給企千仁波切首次的七天紀念大法會後,舉行該塔的開光儀式。

        根據傳統,每年將以尊貴的 究給企千仁波切的涅槃日而非他的生日為紀念日來舉行慶典。因此,歡迎所有的信眾一同參與我們今年度的紀念活動。一方面是為了尊崇仁波切;另一方面是為了能儘快圓滿仁波切之聖願。

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

Maha Parinirvana & Cremation Ceremony / 大涅槃 & 荼毗大典

Maha Parinirvana:

His Eminence passed from this world into Nirvana, at the age of 87, on 22nd January 2007, corresponding to 4th of the twelfth Tibetan month, at 6.30am at his retreat house, Narayanthan, Kathmandu, Nepal.

For an entire 16 days, he remained in the post-death state of meditative absorption called Thukdam. As a sign of achieving realization of luminosity, devoid of all fabrications and free from the stains of dualistic appearances of subject and object, his Kudung or Holy Body remained radiant without any odor.

On the day His Eminence's Kudung was brought to the Monastery in Boudha, the sky was crystal clear, and the moment the Kudung entered into the circle of Boudhanath stupa, a rainbow parasol appeared in the sky. Witnessing this directly, devotees were moved and shaken by faith, and erupted into joyful comments.

Until the cremation, Rinpoche's Kudung was enshrined in a beautifully decorated prayer hall, where thousands of devotees came from far and wide to receive the blessings of his Holy Body.

During that period, there occurred a surprising snowfall in Kathmandu, the first in 62 years, in the form of a shower of “flowers”. As such, the after-death events of His Eminence have put the disciples in a state of great joy mixed with sorrow, which has prompted them to eulogize His Eminence.

        西元2007年1月22日(藏曆的12月4日)清晨六點三十分,尊貴的 究給企千仁波切於尼泊爾加德滿都納南坦(Narayanthan)他的關房中涅槃,享年87歲。





Cremation Ceremony:
On the auspicious occasion of the cremation of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, the day Buddha displayed miracles, the sacred rites of the cremation began early in the morning. The cremation was held in the garden of Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery, with simultaneous rituals of four deities in the four directions, presided over by His Holiness Sakya Trizin, H. E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche H. E. Luding Khenchen Rinpocheand H. E. Luding Khen Rinpoche along with many high lamas. A crowd of faithful devotees watched with tearful eyes and folded hands as Rinpoche's Kudung was offered to the flames in the elaborate ritual. A stunning array of beautiful flowers decorated the cremation stupa, which was the focus of attention and prayer for the huge assembly gathered to pay their last respects.
During the ritual, many people reported seeing five colored flames, and other auspicious signs.

This auspicious day was the clearest of blue sunny days. It is rare in Kathmandu Valley to see such a clear day – without even the faintest wisp of cloud or dust, it has been said that this is a sign of the clarity of His Eminence's realization.Thisunusual sky remained until the completion of the rituals and the sealing of the cremation stupa. During the following week, many interesting cloud patterns formed above the stupa and rainbows were visible around the sun and in the clouds on several occasions.

After ten days, the cremation stupa was opened by H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche. Holy relics, bones and ashes were collected carefully, and placed into containers for the necessary rituals. Again on that day, a rainbow appeared encircling the sun.

On the fiftieth day after His Eminence's passing into Nirvana, a large assembly of monks from all Traditions gathered at the Boudhanath stupa to make aspiration to benefit all sentient beings. A downpour of blessings fell from the sky at the conclusion of the prayer – a sign of the great blessings of our guru and rainbows appeared again as the shower passed.


          舉行荼毗大典當天,博大再度示現了奇景,荼毗大典於一大早開始,地點是位於大彌勒寺(Jamchen Lhakhang)的花園。在荼毗塔的四方分別進行著四個不同本尊的儀軌修法,四個方位主法的上師分別是尊貴的 薩迦法王、尊貴的 法王子大寶金剛仁波切、尊貴的 祿頂堪千仁波切及尊貴的 祿頂堪仁波切與其他許多大喇嘛們,而信眾們則是眼中含淚雙手合掌,隨著儀式的進行觀看著仁波切的法體供奉入火燄中,展現出令人驚嘆的火光,猶如美麗的花朵一般莊嚴了荼毗塔,好像是展現出所有集結在此的眾生對仁波切深切的祈請和最後的禮敬。


         在此殊勝的日子,加德滿都山谷出現了少見的晴朗藍天,天空潔淨地看不到一絲雲彩或塵埃。有一種說法,這如同是尊貴的 仁波切所證悟的覺受一般清澈的示現。清澈的藍天一直維持到荼毗大典圓滿結束並封閉了荼毗塔之後,在接下來的一週,荼毗塔的上方聚集了許多形狀奇特的雲彩,而數次肉眼可見到彩虹圍繞在太陽周圍或顯現在雲中。

         十天之後,由尊貴的祿頂堪千仁波切將荼毗塔打開,並將殊勝的舍利子、骨片和骨灰等等小心收集 起來置入容器中,以備日後重要的 修法時使用,當天亦出現了一道彩虹環繞著太陽。


※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

History of Tashi Rabten Ling Monastery / 吉祥堅固寺略史

New Tashi Rabten Ling Monastery, Lumbini. Photo by D.Dolma-2008

Center for Buddhist Monastic Studies

History of Tashi Rabten Ling Monastery:
Tashi Rabten Ling Monastery was established by His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche with the support of his devout disciples, and was inaugurated in January 2004.

Lumbini was chosen as the site for the monastery because it is the birthplace of Lord Buddha and one of the holiest pilgrimage places for all Buddhists, as well as spiritual seekers from all over the world. The purpose of building a monastery is to create a place where the Buddha’s teachings can be protected, maintained and studied. As it is situated in one of the four holiest places of the Buddha, the creation and maintenance of such a monastery also provides the opportunity for many beings to accumulate great merit.

In response to Dharthang Rinpoche's aspiration to establish Monlam Prayer Festival of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism at the holy places of Lord Buddha, His Eminence became an inspiration behind forming the Sakya Monlam committee, and offered the facilities. Opening a new door of merit at Lumbini, the Sakya Monlam is now held every year by Sakya monks and nuns under the guidance and supervision of His Holiness Sakya Trizin.

       吉祥堅固寺(Tashi Rabten Ling)是由尊貴的 究給企千仁波切在當地信眾與外國弟子們的支持下所興建的。並已於2004年1月落成使用。

         選擇在倫比尼建造此一寺廟乃 是因為此地是佛陀之誕生地,也是所有佛教徒與全世界的靈修者都會前來朝禮的最重要聖地之一。


         對於達唐(Dharthang)仁波切所祈請,成立一個由藏傳四大教派在倫比尼聖地共同參與普賢行願大法會之回應,尊貴的 究給企千仁波成立了主辦薩迦派普賢行願大法會的委員會,並且提供了必要的場地,替倫比尼聖地開啟了一扇新的累積福德資糧的大門。現在,每年定期由薩迦法王帶領僧侶和尼師們在此舉辦普賢行願大法會。

※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

Financing of the Monastery / 寺廟的財務狀況

Financing of the Monastery:

The main sources of income of the monastery are the donations from the local communities, devout disciples and sponsors of His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche. There is also a donation box in the shrine hall from which a portion of income is generated. We do not have any other stable financial source for the survival of the monastery. It depends entirely on the generosity of sponsors. Thus, donations and contributions from individuals are highly appreciable.


※提供:大彌勒寺〈究給寺〉,Peter Yao ( 姚志鵬 )中譯,D.DOlma 潤稿

Aim of the Monastery / 寺院的目標

Aim of the Monastery:
In general, the aim of the monastery is to preserve and highlight the Buddha's teachings. In particular, its aim is to preserve the Sakya tradition. Within the Sakya tradition there are three sub-sects: Ngor, Tsar and Dzong. This monastery belongs to the Tsarpa sub-sect. In Tibet, there were many monasteries of the Tsarpa line but unfortunately in Nepal and India, there are very few. The activity of preserving the special Pith Instruction tradition of this lineage is an important aspect of Sakyapa.


Daily Activities in Monastery / 寺院中的日常生活

Daily Activities in Monastery:

Every day monks perform Tara Puja and Mahakala Puja. Every eight, fourteenth, twenty-third and twenty-ninth day of the Tibetan lunar calendar all the monks perform the elaborate Mahakala Puja. Every tenth and twenty-fifth day of the Tibetan lunar calendar all the monks perform the Vajrayogini Sindhura Ritual and Tsok offering.

A Puja is a ceremony in which prayers are offered to the deities to draw down their blessings or invoke their help. Pujas are performed to avert and clear obstacles, conditions which prevent us from achieving our worldly and spiritual goals.

There are three types of obstacles: Worldly obstacles affect day to day life involving relationships, business, etc. Inner obstacles affect health or mental state. Secret obstacles obstruct the attainment of innate wisdom.

Pujas are also performed for the dying, to help pacify their mind, and for the deceased to bless and guide their mind to a higher state of rebirth and liberation. The type of Puja performed depends on the type of affliction and the individual’s connection to the deity.

Tara, the wisdom mother is the deity particular to activity. Tara benefits quickly the mind of those who pray to her. She manifests in twenty one different forms to benefit all beings, and to recite Praises to the twenty-one Tara is considered to be immeasurably helpful in all adverse circumstances.

Four-Mandala Offering to twenty-one Tara is performed to clear obstacles to health and wealth, and to attain worldly and ultimate benefit.



        在眾生死亡時亦會舉行法會,除可幫助亡者淨化其心意外,更能讓他們得到加持並引領他們投生於 善道或是解脫至淨土。至於要修何種法,則取決於眾生是受到何種苦難及個人與本尊之間的法緣。



Monks Activities:

Older monks are always busy with their own practices and the performance of Pujas at the request of different devotees. They perform these Pujas both at the monastery and at the residence of the people who make the request. The young monks are always busy with their study. The main subject of study is the memorization of the ritual scriptures. They also have English and Nepali language lessons and Tibetan literature classes.



2009年10月13日 星期二

History of the Establishment of Jamchen Lhakhang 大彌勒/大慈寺之建寺歷史

History of the Establishment of Jamchen Lhakhang.

This monastery was established by His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche who is embodied the wisdom, spirit and activities of the Holy Dharma, which has been passed down since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha.

His Eminence had previously built a monastery in Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha where he conducted the first three-year retreat based on the Hevajra Tantra. However, due to the extreme hot weather, it was not possible to continue in Lumbini. Thus, His Eminence looked for an appropriate place where the retreats could be continued. At the same time, a devout woman named Gomadevi of Boudhanath area offered her house and land for the use of His Holiness Sakya Trizin, who heads the Sakya Line of Tibetan Buddhism. His Holiness then transferred this offering to His Eminence for the construction of a monastery there.

His Eminence was somehow able to conduct the second three-year retreat in the old house standing on the land. Then in 1983, by the spiritual command of His Eminence, construction of the monastic building was officially started and completed in 1985. The main hall of the monastery has been dominated by a gigantic and artistically very beautiful statue of the Maitreya Buddha (Jampa).

His Eminence invited His Holiness Sakya Trizin and his entourage to perform the consecration ceremony of the main statue and the monastery.
In 1987, His Eminence built a retreat center behind the monastery and the third three-year retreat took place in this center. This was possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Singapore.

Due to the increasing number of monks and disciples, in 1996, His Eminence again founded monk's living-quarters, a small guesthouse and a staff cottage just behind the monastery. These were possible through the kind contributions of the disciples from Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.

When the monastery was first opened, there were 20-30 monks, and now 90-100 monks reside in the monastery. Most of the young monks are from the Himalayan regions that are from very poor family background.

His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche has bestowed many high-level teachings in this monastery including the Kalachakra Empowerment along with its teachings, Collection of Tantra and Lam-Dre teachings and empowerment.


         這座寺廟是由尊貴的 究給企千仁波切所建立。仁波切是一位充滿智慧且持有自釋迦牟尼佛導師時綿延不絕的神聖佛法的修行者。

         尊貴的 究給企千仁波切先前曾在倫比尼,也就是世尊誕生之地,建立了一座寺院。仁波切親自指導了首次為期三年以喜金剛為主的閉關。不過,由於太過炎熱的天氣以致無法繼續在倫比尼閉關。因此,仁波切只好另尋一個適當的地方,以使閉關能繼續進行。在同一時間內,一位住在博大佛塔(Boudhanath)地區的虔誠女子名為古瑪蒂微女士,將她的房子與土地供養給尊貴的 薩迦法王,法王將此一供養轉送給仁波切以讓他能夠在此興建新的寺廟。

         因此因緣,仁波切就在(gomadevi)古瑪蒂微女士所供養的房舍中順利進行了第二次的三年喜金剛閉關。在1983年,在仁波切的指導下,建廟之工程正式開始進行,並於1985年竣工。大殿的主尊是一座巨大且造型非常優美的彌勒佛像,(藏人稱為強巴佛)。仁波切邀請了尊貴的 薩迦法王及喇嘛們前來為彌勒佛像與寺廟舉行開光大典。



His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche 尊貴的 究給企千仁波切

His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche is head of the Tsarpa branch of the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He is a renowned tantric master, outstanding scholar, practitioner, and poet. He transmitted the most profound and important teachings such as the cycle of Gyude Kuntu (The Collection of Tantra) and many others. As being the most senior Sakya Lama, His Eminence played a vital role in maintaining and propagating the authentic teachings of the Buddha. He offered teachings to many great masters, including His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and His Holiness Sakya Trizin. The fruitful transmission of His Eminence’s teachings is an unprecedented enlightened activity of Dharma, a brain-child of his blessings and pure aspirations.

尊貴的 究給企千仁波切

尊貴的 究給企千仁波切是藏傳佛教中薩迦巴茶支派的領袖。他是一位知名的密宗成就上師、傑出的佛教學者、虔敬的修行者及優秀的詩人。他傳承了許多圓滿、珍貴的教法,諸如《密部總集》及其他許多的教法。身為薩迦派最資深的比丘,仁波切在維護與傳揚正法上扮演了極重要的角色。他還曾許多法教供養給第十四世達賴喇嘛及薩迦法王等許多上師們。以仁波切的加持力及其清淨願力之故,仁波切所傳下的法教已成果豐碩。