2011年8月10日 星期三

大彌勒寺(Jamchen Lhakhang)進行中的專案計劃:興建一座巨大的究給企千仁波切 紀念舍利塔

大彌勒寺(Jamchen Lhakhang)進行中的專案計劃:
興建一座巨大的究給企千仁波切 紀念舍利塔




建造任何佛像、佛塔與僧寮等有 無比利益。在《Smrtiyupasthanah Sutra》 經中說到:「提供僧伽之住所,提供其所需,諸善常引他善故,此善千百劫不衰。」再者,經中所提及不可思議的因果利益如下:「凡直皆參與或間接協助建造佛塔與僧舍等之聖行者,未來必將成轉輪聖王,獲令人愉悅之聲等。」



紀念舍利塔之計劃高度約有超過100英尺高,直徑54英尺。紀念舍利塔瓶身部份將安放包含尊貴的 究給企千仁波切之神聖的擦擦,以及數以千計的神聖經文與佛像。紀念舍利塔之基部將設置成為諸佛、護法與其他本尊的大殿。

2010年8月29日 星期日

What's On

The Five Day Annual Mahavairocana Sand-mandala Ritual (Drubchoe) with its Jhang-chog is going on from 21 to 25 August 2010 by Sangha Assembly of Jamchen Lhakhang Monastery under the auspices of His Eminence Shabdrung Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche.

Dear Dharma brothers and sisters,

All of us living in this world of existence are experience the fright and sadness of losing our beloved ones, one time or another. Memories of the deceased and sad feelings always haunt our heart. Traditionally we gathers with family members during the events like Lunar New Year begins, Ching Ming and 7th Month Hungry Ghost Festival, to pay respect to our beloved deceased ones by visiting places like columbarium, cemeteries and temples where our deceased ones ashes were kept.

But in Buddhist way, especially from the skilful means of the Mantrayana tradition, Lord Buddha bestowed a profound ritual method through the Mahavairocana Tantra, known as Sarvadurgati Parishodhani rite with its Jhang-chog service for the beloved deceased beings. Impregnated with love and compassion, this effective ritual liberates all deceased from their suffering consequences to higher rebirth and happiness. Such noble and effective services of the Vajrayana have not been widely practice everywhere.

For the sake of all sentient beings, our monastery commits to bring such noble services for the benefit of the deceased and the family members during our Annual Drub-choe (Rties). Well qualified ritual Vajramaster and senior monks are performs these services to deliver enormous benefit to the deceased beings. This will be the most meaningful and virtuous activities that we can offer to our beloved ones who had passed away.

We encourage the entire benefactors to spread the good news of the Jhang-chog services that is annually accessible in our monastery during the 7th lunar month, the month known as Hungry Ghost Festival.

May the Blessing of the Triple Gem be with you and your family always.

2010年4月21日 星期三

The latest news of Jamchen 大彌勒寺近況

April 2010

H.E. Shabdrung Rinchen Paljor Rinpoche just finished his two months retreat and going to visit Hong Kong in May. H.E. Chogye Shabdrung Rinpoche is going back to Nepal from Sakya College, India for summer vocation soon.
